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Firstly, introduce yourself and tell us what you do.

Hi! I’m Jazz, I’m a songwriter, singer, and artist. I do a bit of everything, right now I’m finishing my debut album and planning the visuals for it.


What would you say are the best and most challenging things about what you do?

What’s amazing about being an artist is the fact that you spend your days making your ideas into tangible things. I also love the fact that I get to work with other artists - there’s nothing quite like getting excited and entering the child dream-sphere with your friends. I’d say the challenging thing is that music is magical but it’s never quite like pulling a rabbit out of a top hat. It’s long, you have to wait around a lot and then even when you get to work, making a song can be a very time-consuming process (and don’t even get me started on trying to make a body of work like an album). 

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Photograph by Yi-Hsuan Li. 

Click HERE for their Instagram. 


How do you approach writing and creating? Do you have any sworn by rituals or methods?
I’d say that my favourite way of working is to improvise and then piece together the best ideas. Like a, write drunk and edit sober type of thing. So, if I’m writing to a piece of music I’ll try not to listen to it too much, record an improvised hum/scat, then I’ll chop the best melodies up and arrange them. After that I’ll write lyrics and then from that I can kind of start hearing what could be improved or changed. 
What’s next for Jazz Alonso? Can you give us any cheeky hints for some up-coming work? 
What’s next is lots of new music. I’ve been writing my solo album for such a long time that I’ve written enough songs for a few more albums. But first, the album, accompanied by a short film, a play and some crazy theatrical live performances. 

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